PLANTVOICE® is the technology made in the alps that helps farmers predict the quality of agricultural production and maximize crop yield:

Thanks to its ability to analyze sap in real time, Plantvoice allows for the optimal use of resources such as water, fertilizers, and phytodrugs, boosting plant health.

is patented in in Italy, Europe, the United States, and all major international markets.

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Plantvoice® Ecosystem

An ecosystem of integrated tools that come together to provide the agricultural company and the farmer with direct information on plant physiology through non-invasive real-time sap analysis.

A solution designed for farmers and agribusinesses

PlantVoice® applications



the quality of the crops, maximizing production yield


up to 40% of water, fertilizers and phytodrugs


the plant's health and stress levels in real time


the management and control of fields and crops

Success Stories


Creation of a stress data database for Renetta apple crops in Val di Non, correlating with experimental treatments and processes, to standardize and ensure the russeted appearance of the fruits and an adequate size.

Salvi Vivai

Creation of a stress data database for Rosy Glow apple crops in the Ferrara area, correlating with irrigation and treatments, to standardize and ensure the pink appearance of the fruits and an adequate size.

Cantina Mezzacorona

Creation of a stress data database for Teroldego Rotaliano vine crops in Trento, correlating with irrigation, to standardize irrigation practices and save water and energy.

Azienda Cavit

Creation of a stress data database for Teroldego Rotaliano vine crops in Trento, correlating with irrigation, fertilization, and pesticides, to standardize irrigation practices and save water, energy, fertilizers, and pesticides.



Creation of a stress data database for small fruit crops (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.) in Valsugana and Sicily, correlating with irrigation and fertilization, to standardize irrigation practices and save water, energy, and fertilizers.

Martino Rossi

Creation of a stress data database for corn crops in Cremona, correlating with irrigation, to standardize irrigation practices, save water and energy, and prevent water stress, which, if not carefully managed, leads to the development of fungi that produce aflatoxins.

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Why Plantvoice®

We help farmers and agribusinesses save the world by improving production efficiency, innovating cultivation techniques, and optimizing resource use through market data analysis. Plantvoice is the right solution for more sustainable and advanced agriculture.

The only real-time solution for managing plant health and stress
Over 40% of costs are linked to excessive use of resources (water, fertilizers and phytodrugs)
Over 30% of production value can be lost due to incorrect management of plant health and stress

By 2050, agriculture as we know it today will no longer be able to feed everyone; it would be too inefficient and harmful to the ecosystem.

A model for optimizing resource use across the entire agricultural supply chain is needed.

The key is not to find new resources, but to optimize the existing ones.

We believe that the environment can only be preserved and protected by those who live in it every day. This is why our mission is to spread technology and make it easily usable by farmers, in order to achieve this great goal.

Our Manifesto

Democratize technology in agriculture for a sustainable future.

PlantVoice was born with a clear vision: to make technology accessible and useful for all farmers. We firmly believe that only by addressing the concrete needs of farmers can we achieve true economic and environmental sustainability.


The Plantvoice team includes chemists, computer scientists, farmers, and humanities experts, and was founded with the awareness that every person is important and capable of bringing value and innovative ideas.

Pierluigi Lodi Rizzini
COO IP & Legal Advisor​
Matteo Beccatelli
Giacomo Giannarelli
Finance & European
Grant Manager
Tommaso Beccatelli
Agricoltural Entrepreneur & Production Manager​
Massimo Ferri
ESG & AI Equity Advisor
Giovanni Collinetti
Simone Radaelli
Digital Strategy Advisor

In partnership with ESG Max,
we can quantify the ESG sustainability of crops in real time.

Our data on crop stress and well-being are instantly integrated into ESGMAX's sustainability report. A true paradigm shift in the understanding of sustainability!


Press coverage

Plantvoice, la startup che ci fa ascoltare la voce delle piante (e protegge le risorse del pianeta)

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Plantvoice, start up che sta per lanciare sul mercato un 'innovativa tecnologia sensoristica

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Alle piante le analisi del sangue, Un sensore monitora la linfa per rilevare stress e infezioni

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The technology works as if it were an electrocardiogram of plants and makes it possible to reduce the amount of water for irrigation and the use of pesticides and fertilizers

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La startup usa l’intelligenza artificiale per monitorare salute e stress delle piante. Uno strumento delle dimensioni di uno stuzzicadenti si inserisce nel tronco e funziona come una sentinella dei parametri vitali

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Aumentare la produttività, ridurre lo spreco d’acqua, prevenire le malattie dei vegetali e controllarne la fisiologia interna, questi sono i vantaggi che comporta l’utilizzo della nuova tecnologia''Plantvoice''

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