
This document (hereinafter also the "Cookie Policy") illustrates the types and purposes of the cookies used by the aforementioned website, in order to allow independent management of preferences regarding the use of cookies.

For the purposes of this text, "website" means, including each page, section and subsection thereof. The User is to be understood as the person who comes into contact with the website, uses the services, communicates or even just accesses and/or views one or more pages of the aforementioned website. For further definitions, such as personal data or others, please refer to the text of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR"). We kindly ask you to read this Cookie Policy carefully and carefully, which applies in any case you access this website and/or browse it and/or use its services. For any further request for information regarding the processing of data, you can contact the Data Controller at the email indicated in point 1 of this Cookie Policy.


The Data Controller, pursuant to art. 4 and 24 GDPR, is PLANTVOICE SRL SB, with registered office in Bolzano (BZ), 39100 Via Alessandro Volta 13/A, VAT number and Tax Code IT03225710213. Email address: For the personal details of the Data Controller, it is possible to send a written request to the aforementioned e-mail address.


Cookies are a tool available to the data controller in providing the requested service, based on the purposes pursued. For greater clarity, they are small files containing packets of information sent by a web server to the user's Internet browser and automatically stored by the latter on the browsing device, thus automatically sent back to the server each time the user subsequently accesses the site (so-called first-party cookies).It is also possible that the User, browsing this site, also receives cookies from different websites (so-called third-party cookies). This is because on the website visited, there may be references to other web pages or other elements that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. The responsibility and management of first-party cookies is assumed directly by the Data Controller, while that of third-party cookies falls on their respective owners and managers. Cookies are preparatory to the storage of the user's browsing preferences and the consequent and subsequent customization of the Sites according to their needs, improving the browsing experience. For example, cookies avoid having to manually re-enter information already provided on a website and allow advertising targeting.


The cookies used can generally be divided as follows:

a) Depending on the entity that manages them:- first-party cookies: installed and managed directly by the Data Controller;- third-party cookies: installed and generated by websites other than that of the Data Controller and managed by third parties, with which the related personal data may be shared.

b) Based on duration:- session cookies: they last only one browsing session. They are therefore deleted when the browser is closed or when the session itself expires;- persistent cookies: they have a predetermined expiry date, at the end of which they will cease to function. They are stored on the hard disk of the device used by the user for navigation. The site reads them again on each subsequent visit. They stratify the various information at each subsequent session.

c) Based on the purposes pursued:- technical cookies: necessary to allow the user to browse the website and use the services offered. Without these, it may be impossible to provide some services or functions of the site, as well as making navigation uncomfortable;- analytical cookies: used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate or non-aggregate form, on the number of users who access the site and how it is used;
- profiling cookies: these are cookies used to trace a profile of the user and allow the user to subsequently display ad hoc advertisements, as much as possible in line with consumer interests.


The following cookies are used on this site.
a)  technical and functional cookies: they are necessary to allow the user to browse the website and use the services offered, in particular used to save the session and carry out other activities strictly necessary for the operation of the site, as well as to save preferences and optimize the user's browsing experience. Pursuant to Article 122 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 169/2003 and pursuant to what was published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of 03/06/2014 and the register of measures no. 229, 08/05/2014, the Site is not required to request the expression of express consent for technical cookies, as they are to be considered indispensable for the aforementioned purposes. Technical and functional cookies are therefore installed automatically and do not require the User's consent, as this information is sufficient; 

b) First and third-party analytical cookies: they are used to collect information on users' browsing, for statistical purposes only. This statistical information is collected, in aggregate or non-aggregate form, on the number of users who access the site and how it is used. The Site uses this information in order to process anonymous statistical analyses useful for the improvement of use by users, and for the improvement of content. 

With regard to this category, it should also be noted that first-party cookies have been assimilated in toto to technical cookies. This, pursuant to the clarifications of the Guarantor of 05/06/15 and the latest related guidelines. This information is therefore sufficient.

On the other hand, with regard to third-party analytical cookies, they are to be considered equivalent to technical cookies only if their use is subject to the processing of aggregate statistics in relation to a single site and at least the fourth component of the IP address is masked.

Otherwise, it is necessary to ask for the User's consent for their installation and the user will be free to express his/her consent to the installation of the cookies in question, as well as to revoke it at any time, without this affecting the possibility of visiting the Site and using its contents: the Data Controller will keep track of this consent through a specific cookie,  so that it will be possible to avoid re-proposing the cookie banner during subsequent visits by the User to the Site.

In particular, there are no third-party analytical cookies:

c) Profiling cookies (third-party): they are used to track and monitor the User's browsing in order to profile, target and send personalized advertising. In particular, the following third-party profiling cookies are present:

- VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: Tool used by Youtube useful for providing ad serving or retargeting, storing and tracking the identity of a visitor, storing and monitoring interaction. Duration: 6 months.

- YSC:  Tool used by Youtube to store and monitor interaction. Duration: session

- VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA: Tool used by Youtube to track and enrich users' privacy settings on the Youtube platform. Duration: 6 months.

The user is free to give consent to the installation of first- and third-party profiling cookies and to revoke it at any time, without affecting the possibility of visiting the Site and using its contents.


At the time of the first visit to the site, the user can express his free determination regarding the acceptance of all cookies, the continuation of navigation with only those that do not require consent, or can select specific preferences. Technical and functional cookies, as well as first-party analytical cookies, are in fact installed automatically and do not require the User's consent. On the other hand, third-party analytical and profiling ones require express consent. It should be remembered that the consent given can be revoked by the User at any time, without affecting the possibility of visiting the Site and enjoying its contents. Closing the banner involves continuing navigation with the default settings, i.e. excluding the operation of third-party analytical and profiling cookies. The User can also determine their preferences regarding the use of cookies through the browser settings. By changing these settings, you can accept or reject cookies or decide to receive a warning message before accepting a cookie from browsing websites. Cookies can also be deleted at the user's request, by deleting the contents of the "cookies" folder of the browser used.

By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, since each browser is different, it is useful to check the procedures for changing cookie preferences on a case-by-case basis. In fact, it is possible to set your browser at will in order to refuse all cookies, or to exclude only some of them. At the following links you can find useful information to set these preferences:

Google Chrome,
Apple Safari,
Microsoft Windows Explorer,

To obtain further and more in-depth information on cookies, you can connect to the


Social buttons are link buttons on the web page that depict the icons of social networks to facilitate sharing and interaction in a given social network of what the user has chosen. It should be noted that each social network acquires the data relating to the visit according to independent regulations, to which reference is made for relation, through consultation of the relevant Policies. For information on the management of cookies by the social networks to which the social buttons refer, please refer to the following links:


This Site also uses cookies from social network sharing plugins, which allow the user to share their information with social networks, as well as offering other related functions, such as, for example, the publication of comments. On the other hand, this allows social networks to identify you and store information relating to your use of the Site in their profiles. As better specified, the cookies in question can be deactivated through your browser. If you do not accept them or deactivate them, you will not be able to use or view
these tools. 


At any time, pursuant to art. 15 et seq. GDPR, the data subject may exercise all the rights of access to the data, related rectification, cancellation or limitation of processing, request and obtaining indications and clarifications regarding the purposes and purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients to whom the data have been communicated and the retention period. The right to revoke the consent previously given is then recognized. It should also be noted that the law has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of personal data, as provided for by art. 77 GDPR, or to bring the appropriate case before the courts pursuant to art. 79. The exercise of all the aforementioned rights, with the exclusion of the complaint to the Supervisory Authority, will be possible by sending a specific request to the e-mail address referred to in Article 1. With particular reference to erasure, you recognize the right to request the deletion of personal data, which will be deleted upon request, except in cases where such deletion is not appropriate because there are impediment circumstances provided for by law, for example the validity of a contract or the existence of debit/credit relationships. Similarly, data cannot be deleted in cases where retention obligations exist. This document was last updated on 25.09.2024.